Meet our pastoral family! 

Pastor Tiffany and Michael Ross, & Chris.   

Please continue to pray for Pastor Tiffany as her and her family settle in.

The Chosen

Wednesdays, 6:30 pm in Youth room.  Everyone Welcome, perfect opportunity to invite a friend!!  Not too late to get involved.

Come early and bring your dinner if you would like

to eat together before the study begins.

Family Camp 2024!

God Connections: Worship, Nature, the Word, & Fellowship!

June 23-29

Pinecrest Campground

Great for all ages.

Go to for

more information and to register. 

Values Conference 

Saturday, May 18th 9am-4pm

Doors open at 8:30am

You won’t want  to miss this time of learning and encouragement.  There will be speakers and breakout sessions for Discipleship, Missions and Youth.  Check it out on for sessions available, schedules, directions, etc. 

Make sure to see Dawn if you would like to register or go to 

There is also childcare for the day.

You must register your children at

Saturday, May 18th 9am-4pm.  Doors open at 8:30am

Mission Trip

If you are interested in the trip to Guyana in June, we will start collecting applications, paperwork and payments in the next few weeks. 

We have tentative dates of May 30-June 10. 

May First Dollar Offering

 Nazarene Compassionate Ministries.  

This ministry comes along the local churches and helps in everything from natural disasters, health, cleaning and helping communities flourish, refugee crisis, hospitals, child sponsorships.  Basically, showing the compassion of Jesus Christ in any and every situation worldwide.

Young Adults Board Game Night

Our young adults board game night will be moving to the church youth room starting Mar 4th at 6pm! We will continue meeting every other Monday after! 

If you are a young adult or know one, come join us!


Gateway’s pantry We need: 

Toilet Paper, bar soap, laundry detergent, dish soap, shampoo, toothpaste, sanitary pads, deodorant, bleach. If you can pick some of this up when you are out, it will help us be able to bless our community

Volunteers Needed – Looking for volunteers for our church office on the 2nd and 4th Thursday's of the month to cover various needs.  Hours needed are 10:00 am - 4:00 pm.  Please contact Pastor Tiffany @ 719-205-2237.