Meet our pastoral family! 

Pastor Tiffany and Michael Ross, & Chris.   

Please continue to pray for Pastor Tiffany as her and her family settle in.

The Chosen

Wednesdays, 6:30 pm in Youth room.  Everyone Welcome, perfect opportunity to invite a friend!!  Not too late to get involved.

Come early and bring your dinner if you would like

to eat together before the study begins.

Backpack Giveaway on August 3rd

We will be collecting backpacks, school supplies and money to purchase these things. We will be having a community giveaway day where families can come get supplies, but also free haircuts, free sno-cones, and register to win a $100 Target card (we will give away 5 of these). We hope to make some relationships while blessing our community. See Dawn for any questions or if you are able to help out that day.

Women’s ministry events:  

Saturday, August 24th

Trip and Lunch at Botanical Gardens

Fri-Sat, Sept. 6-7

Women’s Retreat. Check out for details and to register.

We have several events coming up soon. 

Mark your calendar and save these dates: See Kathy Laski with any questions.

Saturday, May 18th 9am-4pm.  Doors open at 8:30am

Night of Worship

August 23rd - 7pm - 8pm

Join us for an evening of Praise and Worship


July First Dollar


School supplies for our community

Young Adults Board Game Night

Our young adults board game night will be moving to the church youth room starting Mar 4th at 6pm! We will continue meeting every other Monday after! 

If you are a young adult or know one, come join us!


CHM ---Cereal, Tuna, Jelly and Pasta. URGENT NEED for cereal

Gateway’s pantry We need: 

Toilet Paper, bar soap, laundry detergent, dish soap, shampoo, toothpaste, sanitary pads, deodorant, bleach. If you can pick some of this up when you are out, it will help us be able to bless our community

Volunteers Needed – Looking for volunteers for our church office on the 2nd and 4th Thursday's of the month to cover various needs.  Hours needed are 10:00 am - 4:00 pm.  Please contact Pastor Tiffany @ 719-205-2237.